NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 318771, "prodtype_id": "EVEN", "product_name": "Gandeys Circus Hollywood", "topcategory_id": "perfo", "topcategory_key": 140, "eastings": 338533, "northings": 366274, "latitude": 53.19, "longitude": -2.92137, "bookable": false, "address4": "Chester", "address5": "Cheshire", "min_price": null, "gradings": [ ], "categories": [ 140, 2389, 2479, 2499 ] , "detail_link": "/whats-on/gandeys-circus-hollywood-p318771", "info": "

Gandeys Circus Hollywood


Lights, Camera, CIRCUS!
Get Ready for Gandeys Hollywood Spectacular!

\r\n" }, { "product_key": 320981, "prodtype_id": "EVEN", "product_name": "The Secret Garden: How the Arts can Help us to Connect with the Natural World", "topcategory_id": "lecture", "topcategory_key": 138, "eastings": 340550, "northings": 365774, "latitude": 53.18573, "longitude": -2.8911, "bookable": false, "address4": "Chester", "address5": "Cheshire", "min_price": null, "gradings": [ ], "categories": [ 138, 2469, 4609 ] , "detail_link": "/whats-on/the-secret-garden-how-the-arts-can-help-us-to-connect-with-the-natural-world-p320981", "info": "

The Secret Garden: How the Arts can Help us to Connect with the Natural World


In this talk, Shelley Piasecka (University of Chester) will discuss her stage adaptation of Frances…

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